
A person is writing in a notebook and holding a cell phone.

How My Career Has Evolved and Why I Enjoy Freelance Assignments

By Cyndi | March 15, 2016

People!  It always comes down to People – building relationships with them, communicating clearly to them, and assisting them. I started my career as a PBX Operator and Customer Service Representative at Service Merchandise. It was an interesting experience to juggle the phone calls, look up items on the CRM, and have people come to me…

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Two men standing in front of a table.

The Rewarding Efforts of Coordinating a Trade Show

By Cyndi | May 21, 2015

Sequel to “The Logistics of Coordinating a Successful Trade Show†My first effort as a logistics person for a large exhibition was a success! Either I organized very well or was extremely lucky. Just prior to the show, I discovered that the electrical lines had not been installed on the date that was requested and…

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Two people standing in front of a table with an ipad.

The Logistics of Coordinating a Successful Trade Show

By Cyndi | April 22, 2015

What I Learned Where is the prospectus? How do I get started? What will I need? All of these are the first questions I asked myself as I commenced upon preparing for our presence at the largest trade show in the Oil & Gas industry, the Offshore Technology Conference. Preparation began in November 2014 for…

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